Independent Baptist Church supports missions around the world in prayer, service, and finances. We support a smaller number of missionaries and believe in equipping the nationals of any given field to do the work of the ministry.
We support the following organizations:
International Partnership Ministries []
Arab World Mission
Berea Baptist Church
Heritage Baptist Coalition []
Further examples of our ministry to others:
Baptist International Missions []
Baptist World Missions []
Equipping Nationals Worldwide []
International Baptist Missions []
Baptist International Evangelistic Ministries []
South India Baptist Bible College, India []
Mission trips provide excellent opportunities to serve around the world, as well as expose participants to the needs of people everywhere. Our pastors, adults and teens have gone on many mission trips over the years. They have ministered in such places as: Ohio; Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Camp Ironwood, California in the United States; and, in other countries: Canada, Costa Rica, Ghana Africa, Japan, Jordan, Ukraine, Lebanon, New Zealand, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, and Suriname.